Yellow Orchid Photo - Sandra Jeffs

Yellow Orchid Photo

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This photo was taken in the gardens of the King's Temple in Bangkok, Thailand in 2006. Comes in two sizes: 8" X 12" or 11" X 14".

Yellow & orange (and all earth tone colors) are the colors of health and well being and so are plants and wood in the Black Sect Feng Shui tradition.

Buy this with an intention to improve or enhance your health and well being, whether it is physical, mental, emotional, or to have healthy relationships or even a healthy relationship with money. Hanging this in the center of the home is the best location but, you can hang it anywhere in the home to remind you of your commitment to be healthy. Often hallways are in the center of the home, and the center of a home (or room) is the health area, so a hallway in the center of a home is a good place to hang this as well.

Buying something new with a strong intention is very powerful and can create positive outcomes.

Recommended matboard and frame colors to best enhance your Family ties,and  health:

Matboard color: green

Frame color: brown/tan