Stop & Rest Photo - Sandra Jeffs

Stop & Rest Photo

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This photo was taken in Italy in 2000. Look closely for the "STOP" sign on the far right. Find peace and serenity in nature in this photo. Comes in two sizes: 8" X 12" or 11" X 14".

Green is the color for family ties and your path in this world  according to Black Sect Feng Shui tradition. Plants and trees are about health and well being as well as the shades of brown, orange, or earth tones.

Buy this with an intention to improve or enhance your family ties, or your destiny, or your health (we inherit DNA from our family). You can hang it anywhere in the home to remind you of your commitment to follow your life path, to strengthen (or heal) your family ties, and bring about better health.

Divide the home into 9 equal quadrants and the middle third to the left of the front door is the family area. This is a good place to hang this picture. Also, the exact middle of the home is the health area and it can be hung there, too. Actually, it can be hung anywhere-intention is the most important thing.

Buying something new with a strong intention is very powerful and can create positive outcomes.

Recommended matboard and frame colors to best enhance your Family ties,and  health:

Matboard color: brown/tan

Frame color: green